To Register a new MIRECS project, User takes the following steps:
1. In the Account Dashboard, locate the Project Management module.
2. Under the Project Management module, Click on the ‘Register New Project’ hyperlink, as pictured below:
3. In the “New Project Registration” screen, enter data into all fields denoted with an asterisk (*).
Note: You can Click the [Save] button to save entered data and return at a later time to finish the registration.
4. Complete the first page of Project registration by Clicking the [Next] button and then go to the second page.
5. In the second page of New Generator/Project Registration, the User will enter information about the Facility Operator, Reporting Entity, Ownership, and Metering Information.
6. Click on the [Next] button to move to the final page of Generator/Project Registration.
Note: If needed, you can Click on the [Back] button to return to the previous registration page.
7. The final page of the New Generator/Project Registration is about REC eligibility. Review/Update information and Click [Submit for Approval].
8. The Facility Registration will now be sent to the MIRECS Administrator, and an email notification will be sent to the Account Manager.
Note: A MIRECS ID will be created once the Project registration is submitted and this Project ID can be seen by going back to the Project Management module.