EWR Generation data (Electric Projects) and Gas data (Gas Projects) can either be self-reported or reported via a data file upload.
Note: The Utility Service Provider is responsible for reporting their own EWR Data.
Self-Report EWR Data
EWR Projects are qualified to self-report data in MIRECS. To Self-Report, the Utility Service Provider takes the following steps:
- In the Account Dashboard, locate the Project Management
- Under the Project Management module, click the corresponding ‘hyperlinked month’ and year under the “Review Data/Self Report”
- From the “Self-Reporting/Facility/Project Output Data Review” screen, click the [Add New Output] button to self-report data.
- Select “Vintage” from the drop-down, type of data (Gas ("MCF") vs Electricity ("MWh")) from “MWh Reduction”, and enter “Total Reduction” for the amount of EWR credits you expect to have issued.
Note: Unit of Measure will be “MWh” for Electric EWR data and “MCF” for Gas EWR data.
- Confirm the Reporting Period by inputting values for both the “Reporting Period Begin” and “Reporting Period End” dates (format: MM/YYYY).
- Leave the Total % Split as 100 for “Fuel Type: Electric/Gas Savings (EWR)”.
Note: Fuel Split will default to 100.
- Confirm Amount of EWRs in Credit Creation Summary.
Note: The “EWRs” number will automatically populate after the Reduction is entered (Step 4).
- Check off the box next to “I attest [. . .] that the information submitted on this form is accurate [. . .]”
- Verify details of entry and click the [Submit] button.
- Click the [Ok] button to finish self-report of monthly generation data.
- Once the EWR Data has been Self-Reported, the Period Data Status will now show as “Account Holder Accepted”
Reporting EWR Data via CSV or TXT Upload
Michigan Utility Service Providers can also report EWR Data by uploading a file through the Meter Data Loading module.
To upload EWR data, the Michigan Utility Service Provider takes the following steps:
- Create a .TXT or .CSV file for EWR Data upload using ASCII Text, with data fields delimited by commas (Comma-Separated Value (CSV) format).
- The data file has the following general structure:
Note: If the Column Name(s) and Value(s) do not conform with the above specification, the application will indicate a fatal error and the file will not be loaded.
- The following example shows a conforming input file. MIRECSID,REPORTINGID,VINTAGE,FROM,TO,TOTALMWH 433,MI433,12/2017,01/01/2017,12/31/2017,100
- Once file is created, go to the Meter Data Loading module and select the Year, Upload Type (Generation or Adjustment) and Unit of Measure (MCF for Gas, MWh for Electricity).
Note: Unit of Measure will be “MCF” for Gas EWR data and “MWh” for Electric EWR data.
- Click the [Choose File] button to locate EWR data and then [Upload] file.
- After clicking the [Upload] button, a confirmation screen will appear to display the results of the upload.
Note: If there are any issues with the data in the upload file, the file upload will fail, and an error message will be displayed.
Information on Issuance of new EWR Credits can be found HERE